Welcome to the Department of Student Services 

The Department of Student Services provides fundamental resources to support the individual needs of Aiken County students, families, and school personnel.  This team of professionals supports the ACPSD mission of empowering students to be future-ready, globally mindful, and productive citizens by providing a full range of services in the areas of attendance, health services, social work, counseling and career, homebound instruction, behavioral support, and military family support. The department works with families and educators to promote the success of all students by providing direct services with an emphasis on those who may be challenged with barriers to their learning or overall academic success. 

Core Beliefs

  • All students have dignity and worth.

  • All students are unique and should be treated as such.

  • All students should have access and the opportunity to realize their full potential, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background or religion. 

  • Student services should be extended to diverse populations.


  • To successfully conduct all the administrative support functions necessary to support the needs of all students, the schools, the District, the community, the state, federal and other external education entities

  • To develop and operate a successful program which will attract and retain students in order to serve students' needs and the District,d for adequate enrollment

  • To increase graduation rates while assisting students in becoming career, college, and citizenship ready 

  • To provide a variety of personalized learning opportunities that meet the diverse needs of students in the District

Codes of Conduct

This Code of Student Conduct establishes guidelines for students, parents, teachers, and administrators to maintain an appropriate school environment. The provisions in this Code of Student Conduct provide for firm but fair administration of disciplinary measures with an appropriate range of discretion for the application philosophy set forth. A spanish version of the Middle School Student Code of Conduct is available at the bottom of this webpage.